April Newsletter

Hope Center Update: Board Members Meet with Contractors
Thank you to all who have donated towards The Hope Center! We are half way to our goal. The Hope Center will be a place for community members of St. Rock to receive employment training and health classes. It will also be a place of refuge, safety, and love.  In January, a small group of BIH board members went to Haiti to talk with contractors and get bids for the building.  Our goal is to have the remaining funds raised by January 2018.  Help us bring hope to Haitians by donating today!
Give Hope Here

Haitian Board Created!

We're excited to announce that a Haitian board has been created!  Seven amazing men and women from Haiti have joined our cause.  We are grateful for the time they volunteer to help move our work forward.

Join us on our upcoming humanitarian Vision Trips!
Aug 31-Sept 5th or Oct 25-29th
Click here for more info

Upcoming events

April 19-27th Dental Trip to Haiti, our dentists will provide training for students at the dental school in Port au Prince, and hold free clinics.
July 22nd- BIH Family Movie Night, 7:30pm, place TBD


Looking for an unique gift for Mother's Day or a teacher's gift?  Check out the handmade Haitian jewelry on our etsy shop!  Click here
Believe in Haiti (501c3) is devoted to keeping Haitian families together through love, education, and service, while empowering individuals to rise above their current poverty level.
574 Red Deer Rd, Franktown, CO  80116
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