December 2018 (copy 02)

News and upcoming events from Believe in Haiti
December 2018
Believe in Haiti is devoted to keeping Haitian families together through love, education, and service, while empowering individuals to rise above their current poverty level.

Community Hope Center

It's here!  Believe in Haiti now has a building to start some life-changing programs for the people of St. Rock.  During our last trip, we worked on some renovations to make the new Hope Center more comfortable and usable.  We look forward to beginning a sewing program and English classes soon!


In Search of Water

Did you know that in St. Rock the only supply of water is from a spring that is a difficult, long trek away from the village?  Many times during the year, this spring-well dries up for weeks on end.  And because of St. Rock's high elevation, not much water lies below the surface of St. Rock.  It takes a long hike and a lot of work for anyone to drink even one cup of water each day.   
With a spring that dries up and little opportunity for a well, Believe in Haiti is currently working on finding an alternate, reliable way to bring clean water to the people of St. Rock.

Donate now to help us on our mission to get water to the people of St. Rock


Trip News

The last few trips to Haiti were busy ones!  Our excellent dental team set up a clinic and saw 274 patients, performing both cleanings and subsequent dental work for many great Haitians.  
Trip volunteers put together shelving for our new Hope Center, allowing space for class supplies.  
Volunteers also met visited with various families and residents of St. Rock and a nearby orphanage.
In September, we had a great team of volunteers work on an Eagle Scout project.  We were also able to get 25 newly sponsored students registered for school.  
Read more

This season, give a child the gift of education.
For only $20/month, you can help a Haitian child attend school with everything they need
Sponsor a child

Upcoming Events

Have you been curious about going abroad?  Perhaps to Haiti?  If you are in the Denver area, join us for a casual informational gathering to learn about what our vision trips are all about!  

Saturday, December 8 at 6:00 pm
4054 Blacktail Ct, Castle Rock CO
(Tacos Provided!)

The next vision trips coming up are
January 17-22
February 25- March 1

Haiti Spotlight

Sobner’s personality demonstrates the harsh realities of life in Haiti; the quiet and humble confidence of living without a mother since he was a school boy. Since his mother’s death, Sobner primarily raised himself, with little help from other family members, who did not have the means to take him in. Sobner has never just hoped for a better future, he has made it happen. Because of his leadership abilities and willingness to learn, Sobner is handling various administrative duties for Believe in Haiti, as well as piloting a chicken and goat husbandry program. Sobner’s life thus far has been one of endurance and strength, which ensures his place as a future leader of Believe in Haiti.

Thank you!

A huge thank you to all of Believe in Haiti's donors and volunteers!  Everything Believe in Haiti accomplishes is because of the donations and kindness of people like you.  

Want to learn more about different ways to help?  Whether it's a monetary donation, service project, or attending one of our vision trips, we'd love to see how you BELIEVE IN HAITI too!

Click HERE to learn more!

Copyright © 2018 Believe in Haiti, All rights reserved.

Contact us
PO Box 935 Franktown, CO 80116

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