May 2017


Mother's Day and End of School Gifts!

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Recent Dental and Vision Trip
Our dental team and BIH's founders, The Henwoods, took a trip to Haiti in April.  The dentists treated over 300 patients including over 80 on the last day!  They were also able to drop off needed supplies at the dental school in Port au Prince, and work along side two Haitian dentists during their clinics.  The group met with our Haitian board to talk about beginning the process of becoming a foundation and recognized by the Haitian government, and to find and add a dentist, agronomist, and lawyer to the Haitian board.  Later in the trip, the group also met with government and community leaders and members of St. Roch to discuss needs and the vision for The Hope Center.  There was a strong desire to start a farming co-op.  Community members have the land and farming knowledge, but need help buying seed, fertilizer, and tools.  We are now hard at work to help see this vision through. For more info on the Hope Center, or to donate towards its construction click here.
The group in April also visited our feeding clinic, which has been moved to the schools, and is serving over 1000 meals a week to the students.  You can help a student afford tuition for school, a uniform and school supplies, plus regular meals, by sponsoring a student for $20 a month, or donating towards meals.
Feeding Program Info
School Sponsorships
Come to Haiti this fall!  Dates are Aug 31-Sept 5th and Oct 25th-29th
Click Here to Find Out About Trips
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