October Newsletter

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BelieveHaiti.org  believehaiti@gmail.com   16037 Whitestone Dr.
                                                                     Parker, CO, 80134
Here's what is happening and here is what we're doing about it on the ground...

Upcoming Fundraisers

October 19th:  Jewelry Sale, Kim William's house

October 21st:  Night with a Cause

November 30th:  Stephanie's Event, Jewelry
Upcoming Events! 

Evening for a Cause
October 21, 5-8:30pm 
Parker Pace Center

Hosted by Cary & Chuck LaCouture (click HERE for more information)

A fundraising event for Believe in Haiti, Project Worth More, and Seeing is Believing.
Featuring Yoga for a Cause
Sponsor a Student Here
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