Believe in Haiti March Newsletter (copy 01)

Thank you in advance for taking the time to read our first newsletter for the year 2016!  We have been busy with fundraising, mission trips and more. We hope that you can be inspired with the following stories below to help this worthy cause move forward. As always, it is our passion to keep families together by easing the burdens of Haitian parents through feeding clinic and school sponsorship programs.

Stephanie Kjelstrom is one of Believe in Haiti's newest sponsors! Thanks for your support Stephanie!
Sponsorship Success!

Meet Sobner, a young man that proves education can be the key to unlock potential.  Sobner's mother passed away when he was young. He currently lives with his brother, sister and her children.  His father has remarried and has several younger children.  Sobner is 23 and has been working to help support his father's large family.  Believe in Haiti has sponsored him to gain more education with the hope that he will find a better job to further support his family.  This success story is because of generous donors just like you - thank you!
Recent Media Attention

Watch here as Joana Canals from Channel 2 News in Colorado interviews our president and co-founder, Whitney Henwood

Help Us Build!!


We have exciting, groundbreaking news!  Believe in Haiti is in the process of buying some land in St. Roch.  The plan is to build a community center, but we need your help!  The estimated cost to build is around $100,000, so we are looking for individuals, churches, or businesses to come alongside us to hit that goal.  Every donation is a step forward, no matter how small.


Why build a community center?

It’s all about community - a place to unify and expand our efforts to strengthen Haitian families.  We envision it will be used to educate community members on a variety of subjects; hygiene, parenting skills, trade skills, computer lab, gardening, and animal husbandry.  In addition, it would be used to prepare and serve meals for the feeding clinic, house Johnny (our on the ground liaison), our humanitarian teams, and store supplies.

Additional Fundraising Events: 
  • April 9th: Castlerock Colorado Stake Service Day
Believe In Haiti impacts lives everyday, thanks to the generosity of people like you.  When making a donation, please check with your workplace.  Many have an easy corporate match.  Please let us know if we can help you complete this.
  • Sponsor a Child's education for $240 per year
  • Buy 40 meals for just $24;
  • 100 meals for $60
  • A year of meals for $216
  • Or make a gift donation of any amount
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Our mailing address is:
16037 Whitestone Dr.
Parker, Co, 80134

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